(888) 481-8075 sales@dealer-mate.com

Dealer-Mate can run on your local computer or network, as well as over the internet as a “Cloud” version through which you can access Dealer-Mate software from anywhere by using PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android or any smart phones or tablets.

Windows instructions

(for Mac, Mobile and Tablet instractions scroll down)

Download for Windows Cloud Version

After you download , unzip the downloaded file and  double click DMDemo.rdp file and a login screen will pop up. Please enter the one of the below username and password to gain access to our cloud server.

Option 1

username: demo1

password: demo123

Option 2

username: demo2

password: demo123

Option 3

username: demo3

password: demo123

Once  you login to the cloud server using the above credentials, You can use the below credentials to use the dealer-mate software.

Dealer-Mate  Username: admin

Dealer-Mate Password: auto



We also have Windows desktop version. You can click the below button to download.



For Windows 8 or newer

After Download right-click on file and select Compatibility Tab and run it in Compatibility Mode (Windows 7) as an Administrator (see screenshot)

For Mac, Mobile Devices and Tablets Users 

  1. Open App store on your device
  2. Search for microsoft remote desktop and install
  3. After installation is complete, click on launchpad in the task bar.
  4. Drag and drop the microsoft rdp to the task bar.
  5. Open microsoft rdp
  6. Click + New button
  7. Under General Tab, Connection Name : DealerMate
        PC name: cloud-demo-1.dealer-mate.com
        Username: DM\\demo3
        Password: demo123
  8. Now click Session tab and select  “Forward printing devices”
  9. Click close
  10. Click DealerMate under My Desktops in the RDP box.
We also specialize in data conversions for most DMS software. We will extract data from your old DMS software and export that into our state of the art dealer management system. You do not have to worry about losing your current data or having to run two DMS systems (old and new) in parallel. We will seamlessly transfer all your old data into the new system giving you peace of mind!
Please call us at (323) 525-0747 to get started!