Web marketing campaigns and great, a professionally looking dealer web site should be a part of the sales and management strategy of every dealer.
You simply can not afford to do business the old fashion way!
Integrated web marketing solutions for any size or specialty dealer is our area of expertise.It is easy to upload your inventory, pictures, and custom, unique ads from your Dealer-Mate to most popular websites, like craigslist, eBayMotors, Autotrader, cars, Yahoo, etc.!
From your Dealer-Mate inventory section, browse your local or cloud folders, select pictures and attach them to your vehicles. Add vehicle description and options, create your unique or template based ads, click Safe, “Upload to Web” Icon and start watching your vehicles
being uploaded and appearing on your own site and others in real time!
Give this great, fully integrated selling tool try today! Download our demo or start your free trial or purchase now by taking advantage of our special offer and let our in-house experts start creating your dream site and full click campaign asap.
Free Template Based Website with Cloud Dealer-Mate
About Dealer-Mate
Dealer-Mate was established in 1987 as a computer software service provider specializing in custom applications for the automobile dealers industry. With over 4500 clients nationwide, Dealer-Mate is now being used in all 50 states and all Canadian provinces.
Contact Information:
- 11500 Olympic Blvd. Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90064